Monday, October 22, 2012

Blogs that delete themselves and MANURE!

               I had decided it would be easier to keep everyone updated with details by starting a blog. I typed out this long blog about moving across the country WITH PICTURES EVEN!! Well I went back over it and was satisfied with it, hit submit and NOTHING!!! That was 3 months ago! I have been so disgusted with it I didn't want to even try to put anymore time in it.

        Now for try two!!!

           I am very new to the whole blogging thing so forgive my mistakes!! This blog will cover everything from church, kids, crafts, coupons, menu planning, projects, and just life in general.

           On a more personal note I recently deactivated facebook!!! SHOCK! I know. My phone only blew up the first two weeks telling me something was wrong my facebook wasn't pulling up!!!! Most of my life I have struggled with what people think of me and looking for their affirmation in my life. Well people let you down!! DUH!! I miss the social part of facebook but right now I know God is having me find myself in Him and ignore the rest. I was just sick of people speaking down to me like I don't know much or I am a nobody..well I'm not famous....but I try to make a difference in peoples lives. Every time I start to feel like I am "getting" anywhere in life someone comes along and is sure to make me feel like I am the dirt they walk on. I try to ignore them but I just can't. I realized that I waver because I haven't given my weaknesses to God and found my worth in Him! At least I haven't completely! I know what He says about me and He thinks about me but I haven't got it deep down in because everyone else's opinions have taken up that space instead of my creator! My creator made me LOUD! My creator gave me the desire to make people smile and laugh (EVEN WHEN IT GETS ME IN TROUBLE!!) I am who I am because of HIM! People like me make your life more interesting!! I can express myself through drama's with music better than I can with words. Some people look at me like I have three heads...maybe I do? I guess over the next 21 days God is leading me to just push in to discover who I am in HIM and to push out all the other voices!!!
         I had a friend named Jenny in high school. She walked with me on a back road one day and I was upset cause again I had annoyed everyone with my hyperness, I will never forget what she said to me. I asked her why I was always put down and things always went wrong for me. She said "there is always someone that has to get pooped on." At that time I was angry it had to be me...but I understand now. A few years back I went to a woman in the woods retreat at Pine Springs, Pa (HIGHLY recommended place to go!!) A lady talked about manure!!! Yes I paid to hear about manure!!! JUST WAIT!!! Have you ever drove by a field and smelled the deep aroma coming from that poop truck driving around? Yummy right? Does it smell good? HECK NO! BUT it must obviously do something for the crops for them to randomly throw poop all over the field?! (WHO Discovered this and HOW?)
 The point being manure helps to fertilize the crops so when you are getting "pooped" on, YES you might WILL stink, remember you are being fertilized!! You will grow even more than before!! If someone never has trials they will just stay where they are and wont really grow!

        I challenge you to find who you are in HIM and ignore the other voices!! Their words are just manure in your life to fertilize your growth! You are more than what those people say about you!! Be blessed!

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