Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Monday was a day that everything seemed to happen and it just continued to build up. By the time I was to go pick up the kids I knew that I had NO patience left (don't act like you have never been there!!!) and it was not going to be a good time if I came home with them. I decided I needed to go to the gym and clear my head. When I went, I knew I did not want to get on any machines that I could feel the persons sweat, spit, breath and body heat up on my arm (never been in a gym with machines so squished together!) I found the spin bike room and realized that it supplies videos and the big Tv so you can do the workout any time you want. This was perfect for the day I was having, in a quiet dark room by myself with 20 bikes and a private instructor (that couldn't hear my moans as she requested the intensity to go up!)

  I was doing pretty well, I mean better than everyone else in the class!!!! ;)  The instructor was playing out all the scenes to motivate you to go faster etc. She would say you are trying to catch your friend or whatever. Well at one point she said we will be coming up to a dog soon and when I yell DOG ATTACK you go as hard as you can like you are pedaling for your life. So, she yells dog attack,  I hit the pedals and stand up as they show a picture of a dog on our heels. It was HARD I'm not going to lie. I wanted to be like forget it let the dog get me this is too hard. I kept going but BARELY.

   After we sat back down and went a regular speed God spoke to my heart and said "So when I yell Dog Attack in the spirit why do you sit down?"  OUCH!! Why is it when trial comes or hard things come we are just like "bless the Lord we are under attack" We should be giving it ALL we got, out running those demons, kicking them off us, worshiping like we never worshiped before, praying like we never prayed before....but we would rather sit and wallow in the misery.



    I guess even in the simple things God has a way of getting my attention. I will be sure though to listen when God yells DOG ATTACK. I am tired of allow the enemy the foothold, I am ready to kick his slates in! I am stronger than that because the King of Kings lives in me!!!